Tuesday, November 4, 2008


semalam blk keje tgk ade roti...will be expire 2 more days..what am i going to do with this?hehe..suddenly an idea came out...sementara tgg nasik msk..lauk pon dh msk...ape lg mulekan baking project again..

but this time simple je resipinye...roti, susu segar ckit, gula 2 sudu, telur..1st sapu a layer of margerine on the dulang pembakar..then susun roti tuh...pastu campurkan susu+telur+gula smpi sebati..then tuang ats susunan roti..pastu letak jem blueberi ckit kat ats tuh..then lebihan roti hias je ats tuh...bkr selama 20 minit..then siaplah...enjoy baking...:)

1 comment:

Noli said...

haaah..tu dia roti zila..hehehe