Sunday, June 6, 2010


Caiyok2 utk sy...dlm masa terdekat ni ade 2 event yg mencabar jugak bg sy...

First & foremost, i have 2nd interview session with be exact with their HR..hohoho blm study nih..insya-Allah the interview will b held on Monday at 2pm...b4 this mintak postpone tp dia kata lmbt sgt..byk lg candidate..huhuh shortlisted pon ramai ker..ntah ade peluang ke tak la yer...huhuhu doa2kan jer la..

Satu lg event..hehe berkaitan dgn dunia baking la...apa lagi kalo pasal kek/cupcake...hari ni jer 2x pegi kedai Bakewell yg dkt Sg Gombak tuh..1st pegi waktu pg...hui ramainya org..lps dpt ape yg dah di listkan br blk masak pulak..but then tetibe dpt call dr Kak Zariza yg order 60pcs cupcake & a choc cake..huhuh nk tmbh lg 1 butter cake..alhamdulillah rezeki masalahnya kotak beli cukup2 jer..hihihi :)

So ptg td, pegi lg skali kedai Bakewell tuh..smpi2 jer dh tutup..aik cptnye tutup..x silap td bace dia nyer jadual smpi kul 7pm...huhu plan B la pulak..try carik kat Giant..sbb dkt jer area2 ctu mmg dah agak dah ikutkan jugakla si hubby nih...beli ape yg ade jer..pastu last resort pegi Tesco..sbb dulu ms kat JB mmg penah bli kotak & alas kek kat carik punya carik mmg jumpa la...hehe syukur mata ni duk melilau tgk brg2 bakery..hehe pantang nmpk mesti nk belek..last2 beli la 2@3 brg lg..hehehe...brg2 yg boleh diguna utk jangka masa panjang...

Penat jugak ni..baru lps shred cooking choc...dpt idea nk buat shredded choc utk deco ats kek pon baru je lepas potong edible image..huhuh 71pcs nk kene gunting...60pcs lak yg kecik2...nk terjuling biji mata nihkena ptg btl2 sbb mmg ngam2 jer...sbb akak tuh dh tmbh order..huhuhu...insya-Allah by tomorrow or the day after, i'll upload pics 4 this project into another blog;

harap2 menjadi la yer..wish me luck..caiyok2...mata dah nk tido..esok byk keje menanti...nite..opps dah pukul 3am..huhuhu

1 comment:

Noli said...

mmg mencabar..tau penatnye camnee..hehe..
