Last night i was planning to bake a cake for myself because i'm truly craving for a cake..Unfortunately, there was no butter left...adui how come i forgot to top up my butter stock..huhuhu...So the plan is cancelled..bad luck...huhuhu...Totally no cake on my birthday...
What i upset about is my officemate didn't buy any cake for me which is our "tradisi wajib" when someone birthday is coming...Yeah I was highly expected that they will do the same thing fro me on my birthday because I never "ketinggalan" if they plan to celebrate birthday of anyone of us..It's ok..I'm a grown up girl..no need to "amik hati" with this kind of things..But, for sure this will 'motivate' me to leave this department and company which I'm not happy to be worked with..seriously..I'm not happy with my job..not hapy with these people..not happy with every single things here..But I learnt sumthing though...
P/S: Am i being too childish??
oloooo..cian dier.. kalo time belajar nih.. sure best kan.. beli kek!.. mkn ramai²... anyway gurl!.. HEPI BELATED BESDAY!!... sori!! lambat wish.. cikgu bzzz... :(
yeahh,,hapy belated birthday to u too..huhuuu..jgn sedey2,,ader la kek nnti urun dri langit..hekhekk..take cre yer..
hehe tq witz n aisya..heheh..tu la duk mengharap kek turun dr langit...:)
ermm..kalo time blaja ade gak yg nk celebrate kn..suprise ke ape ke..huhu...
hepy burfday..thou da wish..;)
feel pity reading ur story zila..hv face d same experience too..ofismate wat farewell makan2 xajak sy pun..den celebrate burfday bos tempah cake dr non halal baker.. :(
sedih mmg sedih..p dis will change us to a strong person.. insyaAllah.. =)
erk?baby?hehe blm rezeki kot..
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