Hehe..weekend br2 ni best sgt..sabtu pg tu bgn je trus jemur baju n pg ofis..smbg buat keje yg hari jumaat x smpt siapkan..i was the last person to go home that day..even my boss asked me "xnak blk ker?"...huhuh i replied "blm"...huhu cane nk blk kalo keje x siap..senior lak cuti..huhu..bygkan la...sume kene buat sorg2...that's y la sabtu pg tu dtg opis...n thank Allah, i managed to settle my jobs..
Huhu..then dlm kul 11 lbh la kuar opis pg Southern City..survey2 oven..heheh nk bli skali la sbnrnye...then alkisahnye lepas sesi tawar menawar selesai, dpt la 1 oven harga RM220.00..size besa la jgk...brand Pensonic jer..tp ok la kan..alang2 beli, beli yg besa ckit la..after that drove away to Larkin Perdana...kedai jual brg cake like i was mentioned b4..huhu kali ni pon still excited n gile sbb suke sgt tgk brg2 comel kat kedai tuh...die nyer tokey quite friendly la...dpt diskaun lg..hehe diskaun 20 sen je...ok what??
then blk je umah panaskan oven..ni la my baking corner..biasa la umah kecik jer...

gmbr ats ni blur ckit..mcm tuan die jgk...huhu x lawa langsung ising ni..hampeh tul..xper..1st try dimaafkan la cik zila oi..
pastu mlm tu buat project sugar paste lak..bau x best langsung..esoknye pulak br la uli ngan tepung jagung n buat bentuk2...comey2..ni la hasilnye...
plan nk letak ats cupcake tp ising tu manis sgt..orange extract lak lupe nk beli..kalo x, leh la kurangkan rase manis tuh...huhuh..what to do?maybe next time can la ek...

pasnih bisnes berjalan dgn jayenyee..
yezzaaaa!!! =)
hehe x pk lg nk buat bisnes la ciq..huhu saje je suke2..market kat JB ni x mcm KL kan...huhuh
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