Sabtu: Seperti yang dirancang, aku drive ke umah kwn yus utk amik die then pegi kenduri kawin kwn die kat Tampoi..meriah gak kenduri kawin dieorg nih..tema gold gitu.hehe..spt yg dijanjikan kami pakai sedondon per requested by my fiance...nk sgt tgk pakai bj yg die bg tuh..heheh..pas mkn2 n die jumpe kwn2 die, ktorg heading to Jusco mslhnye jam sepanjang highway tuh..sabo jela..smpi2 je trus solat Zuhur dulu..tkt terlewat pulak solat nnt..pastu br survey n shopping brg hantaran...survey punye survey last2 dpt la jgk handbag utk hantaran..hehe nice2...harga pon nice gak xper..skali skala sedihnye kasut x smpt nk bli..ade gak yg berkenan di hati tp cam murah jer?heheh...pastu mkn chicken chop kat Egg House..port biase ktorg kalo lepak kat Jusco...duk ctu smpi mlm gak la..after that, kuar jusco..wah jam sbb Tesco br bukak dpn jusco sume org duk pulun pegi..ntah ape ade kat sane ntah..pastu after smyg kat masjid Abu Bakar, ktorg pi mkn kat ZZ malang nasib ktorg..dpt air tawar n sup tulang yg sejuk..huhuhu..nk je komplen...hampeh tul...after mkn2 borak2, anta die ke umah then drive blk umah...otw back, abg call ckp dh smpi umah..oo ni msti nk pi melawat wife die yg tgh sarat..cian lak tgk die, dr mersing naik motor je dtg JB...wah...
Ahad: bgn awl jgk..dh terbiase bgn awl..termenung jap pastu g dapur...tgk semua bhn2 ade..buat cupcake coklat...byk gak dpt...igt nk bwk g ofis esok nyer..huhu after that, call en yus kite..tdo lg rupanya..then die ajak kuar trus..pi City kasut lak...bungkus cupcake ckit utk die..then gerak pi amik ms nk kuar td tu, abg gtau akak ipar dh pecah air ketuban..huhu x lama lg bersalin la otw pegi town, call mak sbb adik gtau baby abg x gerak..huhuhu just gtau mak dulu la...then ms kat City Square, abg call gtau baby die dh xderbaby boy..hmm......innalillahh....tekejut gak la..after mkn jap dgn my fiance, ktorg trus gerak pi hospital..sbb adk msg td ckp abg nangis2 dah kat sane sorg2...nk tgk la keadaan mcm mana kat sana...kat cni lak ade konflik n salah paham ckit..kuarga akak ipar mintak aku bwk blk arwah ke mersing tp mak ckp x pyh..uiks mak risau tkt nnt smpi mersing dh actually yus kan ade..die bole tlg drive n temankan...
then after bincang2, decide nk blk dgn 2 abg n arwah naik my myvi, n lg 1 kete adk n bf die...kul 2.30 ktorg bertolak...yus yg drive..he insisted nk drive gak...thanks kamu...alhamdulillah dlm kul 4 dh smpi mersing..semua dh siap2 kat sana...dh ramai org ms ktorg smpi tuh...hmm....then mandi n kapankan mandi ni la sebak sgt rase...rase insaf tetibe..xtau air mata yg kuar tu sbb sedih @ sbb takut dgn mmg x tahan la tgk abg n abah tlg mandikan arwah...time tu jgk air mata abg jatuh...hmm dlm ms yg sama gak, aku pon menitiskan air mata..mmg sebak n sedih..x tahan dgn keadaan tu, aku berlalu dr tmpt arwah dimandikan...abg pon awl2 lg x thn n kuar...tggl abah n pak imam..yg lain sekadar memerhati...lps dimandikan arwah dikapankan..time ni pon sedih gak...Damia seakan memahami yg dikapankan tu adik die..hmm kuasa Tuhan...aku sekadar memerhati dr jauh tp msh jelas kelihatan abg still sedih lg...hmm aku tahan air mata xnk bg abg lg sedih...ya utk kali ini, aku mampu menangis dlm hati jer..sedih mmg sedih..mak pon dh mule mengalirkan air syg, mak die xde ms jenazah dikebumikan..aku pon x smpt nk melawat akak ipar..actually ms pg hospital, die msh dlm bilik, abg ckp kene jahit lg..after disembahyangkan, kami bergerak ke tanah perkuburan Islam di batu tiga mersing...after jenazah siap disemadikan, kami pulang ke rumah....
Malam tu, aku tlg mak msk utk kami semua...ktorg decide stay kat mersing jer..sbb dh lewat sgt utk blk JB...lgpon bahaya...ktorg pon penat blm ilang lg...then, yus ajak pi bandar utk gunting rambut n cari brg keperluan ckit..blk mersing x bwk ape2 terpaksa la mencari even ms tu dh kul 9 lbh..ade lg ke kedai buka?mujur ade 2,3 kedai yg masih buka lg...yus carik seluar ktorg dlm kedai tuh, kedai tuh dh nak tutup...n tetibe ujan lbt gile...kete park agak jauh gak la..cane nih?payung pon xder...disbbkan ade kedai mamak kat sblh tu, ktorg lepak n mkn roti canai utk tgg ujan reda...dh hbs mkn pon ujan x reda2 jgk lg..hmm then ktorg decided to redah aje ujan tuh...mmg ujan lbt sgt2..smpi je umah dh bsh kuyup..huhu sejuk giler...mlm tu aku tido dgn damia n adik dlm 1 blk..damia x hbs2 terjaga sepanjang mlm..smpi aku pon kene tu bgn pg nk blk JB..huhuh x ckp tdo lg..kul 8 after breakfast, br gerak ke JB..yus punye bus ke KL kul 10.30..he once again insisted to drive...ok up 2 u...kul 10.28 ktorg smpi kat bus station..yus ckp ngam2 jer...alhamdulillah smpt naik bus...
peristiwa ujung minggu ni btl2 buat aku insaf...appreciate sgt pertolongan yus utk temankan ktorg blk kg..even die penat, tp die x merungut..thanks ya kamu...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Today is Friday..
Today is Friday..and tomorrow is Saturday..heheh weekend comes again..what's my plan for this Fiance asked me to accompany him to his friend's wedding at Tampoi..I managed to buy him tickets to get here which is purchased from Mara Liner Click & Buy (online)..easy and convenient..i purchased 2 tickets for him, to return to KL on the next Monday..wah he got day off on lucky..I've already printed the map to his friend's house (in case stuck anywhere..).
Yesterday, my mom called and told me that she already booked the canopy and buffet set for my wedding ceremony. Wah..she's more excited than my fiance and I. We both calmly do the planning, yet still trying to settle as much as we can before January. Fuh many things need to be settled down. In fact, I'm a little bit worry and nervous when i thought now is already end of November. In other words, left another less than 3 months only...Wow, I don't know what to do, really...God please help to ease our plans..hope everything will turn out okay...
As of now, I got 2 orders; hantaran cupcake for Rehan's wedding and 1 more is birthday cake for my clerk, Sa for her niece's birthday...I'm a bit nervous to do teh design for hantaran...hope everything turns out well...while Sa ordered Choc cake, simple design for birthday cake..I've already have the idea..will update the pic later..
30 Nov, Rasyada is getting engaged to Johari wonder lately she always ask about engagement package and so on..I wish the best for both of them..they both can be considered as my best friends in UMP..hmm really can't forget every moment there...and 13 Dec, Mamai's wedding..i really don't know whether i can make it to her wedding...i hope i can...but as usual, in terms of distance, i always can't attend my friend's wedding..I'm isolated in JB (sobbing....)..really sad to stay far from friends...keep in touch friends.... :)
Yesterday, my mom called and told me that she already booked the canopy and buffet set for my wedding ceremony. Wah..she's more excited than my fiance and I. We both calmly do the planning, yet still trying to settle as much as we can before January. Fuh many things need to be settled down. In fact, I'm a little bit worry and nervous when i thought now is already end of November. In other words, left another less than 3 months only...Wow, I don't know what to do, really...God please help to ease our plans..hope everything will turn out okay...
As of now, I got 2 orders; hantaran cupcake for Rehan's wedding and 1 more is birthday cake for my clerk, Sa for her niece's birthday...I'm a bit nervous to do teh design for hantaran...hope everything turns out well...while Sa ordered Choc cake, simple design for birthday cake..I've already have the idea..will update the pic later..
30 Nov, Rasyada is getting engaged to Johari wonder lately she always ask about engagement package and so on..I wish the best for both of them..they both can be considered as my best friends in UMP..hmm really can't forget every moment there...and 13 Dec, Mamai's wedding..i really don't know whether i can make it to her wedding...i hope i can...but as usual, in terms of distance, i always can't attend my friend's wedding..I'm isolated in JB (sobbing....)..really sad to stay far from friends...keep in touch friends.... :)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Happy moment wif family..
Yesterday, I took a half-day leave; 2nd half..juz because my family got here..after seeting the auto-office reply, then i got off from office..then went to Petronas just to get some cash to buy some ingredients to bake choc cupcake..never tried this before..after drew some cash, i went to Larkin Perdana to get the ingredients...
After that, went back home..trus je start baking the choc cupcake..actually buat 5 jenis cupcakes; vanilla, rich choc, brownies choc, vanilla with twin choc chip and orange..wah a lot ha...hehe tp puas hati btl la..semua menjadi dgn rase yg sedap..hehe happy2..buat ni pon utk family yg dtg dr happy la, anak sedara yg comey tu pon laju je mkn..maknanya sedap...hehehe..
smlm actually puasa, so mak bwk lauk dr mersing..bestnye..lama x mkn mskn mak..ade sata n pulut panggang favourite tuh..thanks u...mcm mknn ade smlm..lupe lak nk amik sgt layan anak sedara..mandikan die...sibuk je nk main sabun..dh la lantai licin..jatuh baru tau..pas pakaikan pampers (1st time pakaikan pampers utk budak..huhuhu..nasib baik ok)...then suapkan dia mkn..elok lak..dulu suke mkn sendirik,xnk org ok je pulak..nk manje2 la tu ngan mak ngah die nih..heheh...sampai la die penat, main2 ngan kucing..last2 die minta susu...pas minum susu, termenung lak die..hehe ape lg..amik die letak atas riba..lame2 tertido la tu la kisahnye anak sedaraku yg comey tu..smpikan terpaksa mandi kul 11 sbb x sedar waktu berlalu cpt sgt...seronok je meriah ngan family..hmm...rindu dieorg..
pg td bgn je dgr mak duk masak kat dapur..masak mihun katanya..nasib baik ckp garam..garam btl2 hbs lps mak grg mihun..lupe la nk top up blk garam tuh...huhuh..pastu nk g keje tu, tapau mihun ckit, cupcake ckit utk bekal ke ofis..bestnye mihun mak msk..x sama mcm kedai punye..after salam2 ngan dieorg, br la g keje...x bestnye keje..pttnye apply cuti hari ni..salah perhitungan da...
After that, went back home..trus je start baking the choc cupcake..actually buat 5 jenis cupcakes; vanilla, rich choc, brownies choc, vanilla with twin choc chip and orange..wah a lot ha...hehe tp puas hati btl la..semua menjadi dgn rase yg sedap..hehe happy2..buat ni pon utk family yg dtg dr happy la, anak sedara yg comey tu pon laju je mkn..maknanya sedap...hehehe..
smlm actually puasa, so mak bwk lauk dr mersing..bestnye..lama x mkn mskn mak..ade sata n pulut panggang favourite tuh..thanks u...mcm mknn ade smlm..lupe lak nk amik sgt layan anak sedara..mandikan die...sibuk je nk main sabun..dh la lantai licin..jatuh baru tau..pas pakaikan pampers (1st time pakaikan pampers utk budak..huhuhu..nasib baik ok)...then suapkan dia mkn..elok lak..dulu suke mkn sendirik,xnk org ok je pulak..nk manje2 la tu ngan mak ngah die nih..heheh...sampai la die penat, main2 ngan kucing..last2 die minta susu...pas minum susu, termenung lak die..hehe ape lg..amik die letak atas riba..lame2 tertido la tu la kisahnye anak sedaraku yg comey tu..smpikan terpaksa mandi kul 11 sbb x sedar waktu berlalu cpt sgt...seronok je meriah ngan family..hmm...rindu dieorg..
pg td bgn je dgr mak duk masak kat dapur..masak mihun katanya..nasib baik ckp garam..garam btl2 hbs lps mak grg mihun..lupe la nk top up blk garam tuh...huhuh..pastu nk g keje tu, tapau mihun ckit, cupcake ckit utk bekal ke ofis..bestnye mihun mak msk..x sama mcm kedai punye..after salam2 ngan dieorg, br la g keje...x bestnye keje..pttnye apply cuti hari ni..salah perhitungan da...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Weekend yg membosankan..
Bosan betul weekend kali ni..memerap kat umah jer...hari ahad pon same...memerap sepnjang masa di umah..if tau la kejadian sabtu tu jd, dh lama blk kg..opss xleh cite ape kejadian tuh..rahsia..huhuhu....mujur la hari sabtu duk hbskan waktu dgn memasak n buat cupcake..buat sample design utk customer la byk ckit choices utk customer pilih...sabtu tu buat fondant..hmm....best2 semua design menjadik jer...ptg br la hbs design2 nih..gmbr dh diupload ke dlm blog lg 1..harap2 pasni bisnes semakin terbuka la...
Td dh deal ngan Rehan, n confirm die nk 34pcs utk hantaran die...6 pcs buttercream, yg lain semua ok la..ade 4 designs yg die berkenan...igtkan die nk pilih 1 design jer..xper la..warna tetap same..hijau putih..dh quote n die pon setuju...alhamdulillah...harap2 semua ok yg 100 pcs tu x jd lak..xper la..dh xder rezeki's ok..rezeki dtgnye dr Yang Maha Esa..permurahkan la rezeki hamba-Mu ini..dan Kau permudahkan la segala urusan di dunia dan di akhirat..aminnn.....
Td dh deal ngan Rehan, n confirm die nk 34pcs utk hantaran die...6 pcs buttercream, yg lain semua ok la..ade 4 designs yg die berkenan...igtkan die nk pilih 1 design jer..xper la..warna tetap same..hijau putih..dh quote n die pon setuju...alhamdulillah...harap2 semua ok yg 100 pcs tu x jd lak..xper la..dh xder rezeki's ok..rezeki dtgnye dr Yang Maha Esa..permurahkan la rezeki hamba-Mu ini..dan Kau permudahkan la segala urusan di dunia dan di akhirat..aminnn.....
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wah smlm ade 2 pertanyaan pasal cupcake...1 utk hantaran tunang n 1 lg untuk hantaran dieorg nk tgk sample pic dulu..yela blog x update dgn design skrg dh update dgn beberapa design yg simple..utk hantaran tu blm update gmbr yg lebih eksklusif lg...will be updated soon...stay tune...:)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Meniti hari-hari bahagia..
Wah tajuk macam best je memang bahagia pon..hehe sbb dh spent quality time wif my fiance..that's y rase mcm bahagia sgt..hari sabtu ktorg pegi tgk wayang cite Quantum of Solace 007..James Bond la dlm erti kata yg jgk wpon hero die agak tua...agak ganas gak la hero die tetap cool jer...hehe ktorg dpt harga murah rm8 satu tiket sbb dikire early bird..hehe lps beli tiket ktorg pi beli mknn n taruk dlm my beg yg agak besar gak la..hehehe seludup mknn ke dlm at least ktorg bli gak la popcorn die...sbb best tgk wayang smbl mkn popcorn..heheh after tgk wayang tu ktorg jalan2 dlm jusco tuh..dia ckp ktorg pon kuar la dr jusco carik tmpt mkn tghari..pegi ZZ corner utk mkn nasi putih, sup tulang n lauk2 sampingan...best2...
then after rehat2 ckit, ptg tu pegi jln2 smpi la kat metrojaya yg baru bukak tuh..wah besa gak..window shopping jer sambil survey brg2 hantaran...hehe smpi la kat bhgn perfume dh x jd window shopping...trus je beli sbb berkenan n harga bole thn murah la...dpt voucher RM20 lg tuh + miniature perfume for "him and her"...dpt polo double black (for him) and diamonds by giorgio armani (for her)..wah best2..actually die dh lama admire polo double black tu tp x sangka lak dpt free miniature perfume last2 tggl dlm my myvi jgk..cet..sabo perfume utk hantaran tu x bli double black pon..bli brand ok la..die suke bau tuh..heheh...
then, we went to Sedap for dinner: chicken chops..i ordered kiwi juice and he orderd guava juice..and add on chicken nugget...hehe he said the instant nugget i recommended to him more yummy that we ordered the way mkn jela kan...dah ade depan mata...after that, i sent him back to his fren's house and i drove home alone..dah biase dah...lgpon lalu jln town..masih byk kereta di jalan xla takut sgt..hehe..
I went out about 11.30am..went to his fren's house again to fetch him for a lunch...keadaan dh terbalik lak ek..dulu die yg selalu fetch tp skrg ni i lak yg fetch die..hehe kete die kat KL..dtg cni pon naik kete skrg jd driver die la pulak..hehe tp x kisah...utk die, ape salahnya...after mkn2 at ZZ lagi...ktorg pusing2 kat area jb town tuh..xtau mana nk pegi..then terpikir lak nk masuk n lepak2 kat Danga..sbb JB ni xder Danga jela tmpt yg leh dituju...lama gak la x g Danga since die dh pindah to KL...huhu ni yg malas g Danga..ramai tul foreigner dtg ok la..masih nmpk org2 kite...luckily bwk kamera..actually mmg selalu letak kamera dlm case pegi mana2 leh la tangkap2 gmbr..nk dijadikan citer bermula la tangkap gmbr..self taken jer..sbb ktorg berdua jer..gune self timer..ok gak la hasilnye..die yg setting..sume gmbr dh diupload ke frenster..
lps posing sakan kat Danga bay, ktorg g Danga City Mall lak..wah x sangka lak dlm ni ade Taman Orkid..best2 dpt tgk mcm2 jenis orkid..actually mmg minat sgt2 dgn orkid sbb mcm unik je bentuk die..kat cni pon byk gak amik gmbr..sbb cantik jgk pemandangan die..ade tasik..nice la pendek kata..dlm Danga City Mall tu jgk ade rumah2 daerah Johor..ade rumah mersing,kota tinggi,muar.kluang and mcm2 lg la..sempat gak msk dlm beberapa umah...n of course la sempat posing...lama gak la duk kat ctu..smpi kul 3 lbh gak la...then pegi solat..pastu blk...
ptg tu pulak g kg melayu...pekena yong taufu n ABC kg melayu..best2...dah lama x pekena ABC kg melayu since dh pindah ke taman molek..ktorg share je ABC tu sbb harga die dah naik jd x kisahla sbb sedap..ade aiskrim n topping coklat lak atas tuh..pergh mmg best la..pulak tu tgh panas2 mcm tuh...pas mkn n borak2...blk umah lak..amik brg2 utk bg kat die..die nk pnjm mouse...n nk bg die buah nenas yg dah siap disira...nenas tu pon die yg bg..hehe sedap2...pastu anta die blk semula ke JB utk die, x kisah la..penat tu berbaloi sbb hepi spent time 2gether with him..tu la cite kami last weekend..pnjg kan...penat jgk tp hepi..:)...utk tgk gmbr2 kami sile ke frenster sy...
then after rehat2 ckit, ptg tu pegi jln2 smpi la kat metrojaya yg baru bukak tuh..wah besa gak..window shopping jer sambil survey brg2 hantaran...hehe smpi la kat bhgn perfume dh x jd window shopping...trus je beli sbb berkenan n harga bole thn murah la...dpt voucher RM20 lg tuh + miniature perfume for "him and her"...dpt polo double black (for him) and diamonds by giorgio armani (for her)..wah best2..actually die dh lama admire polo double black tu tp x sangka lak dpt free miniature perfume last2 tggl dlm my myvi jgk..cet..sabo perfume utk hantaran tu x bli double black pon..bli brand ok la..die suke bau tuh..heheh...
then, we went to Sedap for dinner: chicken chops..i ordered kiwi juice and he orderd guava juice..and add on chicken nugget...hehe he said the instant nugget i recommended to him more yummy that we ordered the way mkn jela kan...dah ade depan mata...after that, i sent him back to his fren's house and i drove home alone..dah biase dah...lgpon lalu jln town..masih byk kereta di jalan xla takut sgt..hehe..
I went out about 11.30am..went to his fren's house again to fetch him for a lunch...keadaan dh terbalik lak ek..dulu die yg selalu fetch tp skrg ni i lak yg fetch die..hehe kete die kat KL..dtg cni pon naik kete skrg jd driver die la pulak..hehe tp x kisah...utk die, ape salahnya...after mkn2 at ZZ lagi...ktorg pusing2 kat area jb town tuh..xtau mana nk pegi..then terpikir lak nk masuk n lepak2 kat Danga..sbb JB ni xder Danga jela tmpt yg leh dituju...lama gak la x g Danga since die dh pindah to KL...huhu ni yg malas g Danga..ramai tul foreigner dtg ok la..masih nmpk org2 kite...luckily bwk kamera..actually mmg selalu letak kamera dlm case pegi mana2 leh la tangkap2 gmbr..nk dijadikan citer bermula la tangkap gmbr..self taken jer..sbb ktorg berdua jer..gune self timer..ok gak la hasilnye..die yg setting..sume gmbr dh diupload ke frenster..
lps posing sakan kat Danga bay, ktorg g Danga City Mall lak..wah x sangka lak dlm ni ade Taman Orkid..best2 dpt tgk mcm2 jenis orkid..actually mmg minat sgt2 dgn orkid sbb mcm unik je bentuk die..kat cni pon byk gak amik gmbr..sbb cantik jgk pemandangan die..ade tasik..nice la pendek kata..dlm Danga City Mall tu jgk ade rumah2 daerah Johor..ade rumah mersing,kota tinggi,muar.kluang and mcm2 lg la..sempat gak msk dlm beberapa umah...n of course la sempat posing...lama gak la duk kat ctu..smpi kul 3 lbh gak la...then pegi solat..pastu blk...
ptg tu pulak g kg melayu...pekena yong taufu n ABC kg melayu..best2...dah lama x pekena ABC kg melayu since dh pindah ke taman molek..ktorg share je ABC tu sbb harga die dah naik jd x kisahla sbb sedap..ade aiskrim n topping coklat lak atas tuh..pergh mmg best la..pulak tu tgh panas2 mcm tuh...pas mkn n borak2...blk umah lak..amik brg2 utk bg kat die..die nk pnjm mouse...n nk bg die buah nenas yg dah siap disira...nenas tu pon die yg bg..hehe sedap2...pastu anta die blk semula ke JB utk die, x kisah la..penat tu berbaloi sbb hepi spent time 2gether with him..tu la cite kami last weekend..pnjg kan...penat jgk tp hepi..:)...utk tgk gmbr2 kami sile ke frenster sy...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

semalam blk keje tgk ade roti...will be expire 2 more days..what am i going to do with this?hehe..suddenly an idea came out...sementara tgg nasik msk..lauk pon dh msk...ape lg mulekan baking project again..
but this time simple je resipinye...roti, susu segar ckit, gula 2 sudu, telur..1st sapu a layer of margerine on the dulang pembakar..then susun roti tuh...pastu campurkan susu+telur+gula smpi sebati..then tuang ats susunan roti..pastu letak jem blueberi ckit kat ats tuh..then lebihan roti hias je ats tuh...bkr selama 20 minit..then siaplah...enjoy baking...:)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Weekend yg best...
Hehe..weekend br2 ni best sgt..sabtu pg tu bgn je trus jemur baju n pg ofis..smbg buat keje yg hari jumaat x smpt siapkan..i was the last person to go home that day..even my boss asked me "xnak blk ker?"...huhuh i replied "blm"...huhu cane nk blk kalo keje x siap..senior lak cuti..huhu..bygkan la...sume kene buat sorg2...that's y la sabtu pg tu dtg opis...n thank Allah, i managed to settle my jobs..
Huhu..then dlm kul 11 lbh la kuar opis pg Southern City..survey2 oven..heheh nk bli skali la sbnrnye...then alkisahnye lepas sesi tawar menawar selesai, dpt la 1 oven harga RM220.00..size besa la jgk...brand Pensonic ok la kan..alang2 beli, beli yg besa ckit la..after that drove away to Larkin Perdana...kedai jual brg cake like i was mentioned b4..huhu kali ni pon still excited n gile sbb suke sgt tgk brg2 comel kat kedai tuh...die nyer tokey quite friendly la...dpt diskaun lg..hehe diskaun 20 sen je...ok what??
then blk je umah panaskan la my baking corner..biasa la umah kecik jer...

gmbr ats ni blur ckit..mcm tuan die jgk...huhu x lawa langsung ising ni..hampeh tul..xper..1st try dimaafkan la cik zila oi..
pastu mlm tu buat project sugar paste lak..bau x best langsung..esoknye pulak br la uli ngan tepung jagung n buat la hasilnye...
plan nk letak ats cupcake tp ising tu manis extract lak lupe nk beli..kalo x, leh la kurangkan rase manis tuh...huhuh..what to do?maybe next time can la ek...

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